92, passeig de Gracia / 261-265 c de Provença, Barcelona in 1905-12 by GAUDI i CORNET & JUJOL i GIBERT & BAYO i FONT |
Pedrera means a stone quarry. The other name of this building is the Casa Milà after the name of its owner. It is the largest block of flats Gaudi had the opportunity to build. Less colors than in Batllo's house but some critics say that it is a synthesis of Gaudi's work. With the differenciated chimneys (Palau Guell) and the waving façade (reminds the bank in the Park Guell. This building is listed at the UNESCO world heritage. The size of this building make gaudi give up the old structures and use reinforced concreate. There are no sustaining walls inside the building, so it gave a high liberty in organizing the flats. The inside yards are funnel like to maximize the light diffusion. The street angle is rounded, giving even a more impressive view of the building.
There are two visits : the attics, the roof and its chimneys and one flat. See the museum section.
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